For a quality sound on your end, it is all about having the right tools and creating the best environment!
It is best to use a headset or earbuds with a microphone. It is ideal for you to utilize something other than the built-in computer microphone and speakers as this can cause undesirable sound disturbances.
Find a quiet space where you are less likely to be interrupted and with limited background noise, as that is very difficult to edit out.
Turn off all fans, furnace, and AC - anything that creates ambient background noise.
Be sure to MUTE or turn OFF all phone and computer notifications. For Apple device users, set your devices to "Do Not Disturb" or "Focus".
Please wear comfortable clothing and eliminate any noisy jewelry.
Find a comfortable space to relax for the recording. Try your best not to fidget with items during recording. The more comfortable and still you are, the better you will sound.
Your episode will be edited to clean up the sound quality and to remove filler words (uh's, um's, and like's). Don't worry, we all do it! Please trust that we do not rearrange your words or statements.
Remember, podcast recordings are best when it feels more like a conversation and less of an interview. The goal is to engage in a collective conversation, one that the audience feels like they are immersed in, while you as a guest feel like your true self in.

Adjusting your Zoom settings in advance is the key to quality sound at the end!
As a guest, we want to ensure that you sound like a professional in your episode. In order to do this, we need your help in following the steps show below prior to your schedule Zoom recording.
Open Zoom and go to Preferences.
Click the “Audio” tab.
Make sure the speaker is set to the desired output (usually “Built-in output” or “System default”).
Make sure the Microphone input is set to the guest’s mic.
Under the “Suppress background noise” option, select “Low”.
Under “Music and professional audio”:
Check “Show in-meeting option to enable “Original sound”.
Check “High-fidelity music mode”.
Uncheck “Echo cancellation”.
Uncheck “Stereo audio”.
Please adjust Zoom settings as pictured below so that your settings match the image provided. Please note that your mic and speaker settings will reflect the name of the type of headset you choose to use.

Please contact us if you have any questions about recording.